

All of God’s blessings are entrusted to us as stewards of God’s creation, our home.  In turn, those blessings are intended for God’s use in bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. Whether or not we are members of any given church community, God’s call for those who love Him is to do so with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength. This means using what God has given us, be they time, talents, or money, to further God’s work in the world, and more specifically, our community.  The active participation and generosity of God’s children increases the potential for lives to be changed and God to be glorified.

gilwood worship service

Because financial support is important to the mission of God’s church, our Session creates an annual budget, the operating expenses of supporting God’s work in Gilwood Presbyterian church.  Financial gifts given to the church go into our general operating fund which not only covers utilities and salaries, but also supports work of our ministry committees.

In addition to our operating budget, God often places a special burden on some peoples’ hearts to support specific areas of ministry.  These are known as “Designated Funds.”  If you feel God is calling you to give a financial gift for a specific use, you are invited to choose that option and let us know what your calling is.

It is very helpful to our session in planning the budget and looking ahead to the various ministries and programs we can support if members and friends are able to pledge their annual gift for the coming year.

Gilwood - church