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Welcome to Gilwood Church!
2993 Odell School Road
Concord, NC. 28027
(704) 782-0134 or email Gilwoodchurch@gmail.com
Office hours:
9:00am – 3:00pm (Monday -Friday)

Our worship service is a traditional service which includes hymns, prayers of thanksgiving and intercession, God’s Word, and sacrament. As Presbyterians, we honor our liturgical and musical traditions. We welcome children of all ages in worship and have a nursery available during the service. Children are invited to participate in Children’s Church during the second half of the morning service.
We also offer a service with contemporary elements called “Wednesday Night Revive” at 6:00 p.m. This service is held in the church Fellowship Hall.
In addition to the regular Sunday and Wednesday worship services, we hold a number of special services throughout the year: Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Easter Sun Rise Service in our beautiful outdoor sanctuary, Christmas Eve.

More Information?
If you would like more information, please feel free to email the pastor at gilwoodpastor@gmail.com.
We would love to know more about you and your needs, thoughts and suggestions.
The link below is a questionnaire that greatly helps us in our mission to meet the spiritual and physical needs of our community. We invite you to help us in this mission by filling out as much or little as you wish. Thank you.